“A friend of mine had previously had a rhinoplasty operation at BAH International. I came from Germany on her advice. All the staff was very friendly, especially the doctor who operated on me. I felt at home in this modern hospital. I am very pleased with the result for now. Thanks to everyone.  ”
Tetiana N.


“I needed a hip replacement operation. I contacted many institutions in Turkey and chose Büyük Anadolu Hospitals among them. Everything was perfect in one word. Hospitality and care about us upon arrival to airport. Professionalism of doctor and medical personnel. Managers are daily asked about our requests and if had any, was solved immediately. ”
Dmytro Y.


“I went to Turkey to have a few operations , I had pec implants, liposuction and a hernia operation. I was very impressed with how clean the tidy the hospital was, also how well I was looked after by the surgeons, staff and nurses. Kerem, Izel and Sema were absolutely fantastic and the surgeons have dome a great job and I am very satisfied, I highly recommend booking with these. ...”
James G.


“I preferred Büyük Anadolu Hospitals for my rhinoplasty surgery. They took care of us in a magnificent way, including our doctor and other medical staff. The hospital was very luxurious and the hotel we stayed in was also great. I am very pleased with my new look, I will recommend the hospital to my friends. ”
Magdalena K.


“It was a big pleasure for me. It was my first experience for surgery and all that procedures. Everything happened so fast and smooth. Next day all done. The staff was so kind. People tried to animate me, it was very nice. My family and my friends will be here for their treatment procedures. It is convinient to come one place for everything. While I was sleeping at the operating room, the ENT surge...”
Maximilian D.


“I had sleep apnea and snoring surgery. I was very impressed with the hospital it’s better than any private hospital I’ve been to in the UK. All the staff were very polite, and professional and could not do enough for you. The surgeon examined me and explained what the surgery would consist of and answered any questions I had. After the surgery, I was well looked after by the team any...”
Aaron C.


“My name is Ammar. I came to Büyük Anadolu Hospital from Iraq for the treatment of my lumbar hernia condition. My doctor examined me and I underwent surgery. The doctor is really a specialist and an experienced. Thank God, the operation was successful. The hospital and its services are excellent. I feel very well and healthy right now. I would like to thank everyone very much. ”
Ammar E.


“My name is Şeref. I come from Wuppertal, Germany. i have been suffering from diabetes since 2005. I've been on insulin and medication so far. My family and friends living in Turkey suggested Samsun Büyük Anadolu Hospitals to me. I had surgery in that hospital. I'm no longer on medication and insulin, and I feel fine. I was very pleased with the doctors and nurses. They took very...”
Şeref T.


“Hello. I am Mehmet, I am 48 years old. I had type 2 diabetes for 20 years. I was doing research for a treatment. My family suggested me Büyük Anadolu Hospitals, Samsun. At the hospital, we had a preliminary meeting with my doctor. He informed me about the surgery. I had surgery and the operation took about 1.5 hours. I feel good now. Finally, I would like to address all type 2 diabetes p...”
Mehmet G.


“Hello. We brought my father from Iraq to Samsun Büyük Anadolu Hospital for eye surgery. Our ophthalmologist performed the operation. The surgery was very successful and went well. We were satisfied with the whole process and the hospital staff. Our doctor, nurses, hospital officials and staff were both very qualified people and took a close interest in us. We are choosing Büyük...”
Zainel O.


“I'm Özgenur. I have been struggling with obesity since childhood. I come from Augsburg, Germany. I had a facial paralysis due to stress and excess weight. I did sports and dieting, but I gained more weight. My aunt recommended Büyük Anadolu Hospitals, Samsun. I'm feeling really good right now. I was discharged 3 days after the operation. My doctor motivated me with his posit...”
Özgenur A.



Why Bahealthpoint

Bahealthpoint focus on patient satisfaction in order to provide high quality service by using international measurement methods and improvement mechanisms to ensure the World Class health services provided to it's patients

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  • Samstag 8.3 - 14:00
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Verbesserung Ihrer Lebensqualität durch bessere Gesundheit.

Unser Ziel ist es, eine qualitativ hochwertige Pflege in einer höflichen, respektvollen und mitfühlenden Art und Weise anzubieten. Wir hoffen, dass Sie uns erlauben, uns um Sie zu kümmern und Ihre erste und beste Wahl für die Gesundheitsversorgung zu sein.

Gemeinsam mit Ihnen erarbeiten wir individuelle Behandlungspläne, einschließlich der Behandlung chronischer Erkrankungen. Wir sind bestrebt, das führende Gesundheitsnetzwerk der Region zu sein, das eine patientenorientierte Versorgung bietet, die zu herausragenden Leistungen in Klinik und Service inspiriert.


Warum Büyük Anadolu?

Büyük Anadolu ist seit 1990 in Europa tätig, spezialisiert auf medizinische Dienstleistungen und bietet innovative Lösungen für die Behandlung medizinischer Infrastruktur. Mehr als 100 Fachleute sind aktiv an zahlreichen Initiativen beteiligt, die darauf abzielen, nachhaltige Veränderungen für Patienten zu schaffen!

Ärztliche Beratung und Kontrollen

Zuverlässige medizinische Behandlungsbereiche

Notdienste rund um die Uhr

Medizinische Forschungsexperten

Nur qualifizierte Ärzte

Modernste Anlagenbereiche

Erschwingliche Preise für alle Patienten

Qualitätsversorgung für jeden Patienten

Dienen Sie der Gesellschaft, indem Sie die Lebensqualität durch bessere Gesundheit verbessern. Wir haben Protokolle erstellt, um unsere Patienten und Mitarbeiter zu schützen und gleichzeitig weiterhin medizinisch notwendige Versorgung zu leisten.

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Mit unseren Fachärzten stehen wir Ihnen bei all Ihren medizinischen Problemen zur Seite.


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Bei allgemeinen oder medizinischen Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an unser freundliches Personal an der Rezeption.

Wir erreichen Patienten aus der ganzen Welt!

Die Büyük Anadolu Healthcare Group, die mit dem Slogan "Wir begleiten Sie für ein gesundes Leben" begann, tätigte 1997 ihre erste Investition im Gesundheitsbereich. Diese Investition ist Samsuns erstes privates Krankenhaus in Bezug auf private Gesundheitsdienste.

Die Krankenhäuser, die der Great Anatolian Health Group angeschlossen sind und spezialisierte Dienstleistungen im Gesundheitsbereich anbieten, bieten vielen internationalen Patienten, die in unser Land kommen, Diagnose- und Behandlungsdienste an. Die Türkei ist derzeit eines der führenden Länder im Gesundheitstourismus, da sie Diagnose- und Behandlungsdienste auf Weltniveau anbietet.


Medizinische Nachrichten

Was sind entzündliche Darmerkrankungen?

Was sind entzündliche Darmerkrankungen?

Wenn Sie immer wiederkehrende Beschwerden wie Bauchschmerzen, Appetitlosigkeit, Durchfall, Gewichtsverlust, Müdigkeit und Fieber haben, könn...

Was ist Bluthochdruck? Was sind die Symptome und die Behandlung von Bluthochdruck?

Was ist Bluthochdruck? Was sind die Symptome und die Behandlung von Bluthochdruck?

Der Welt-Hypertonie-Tag wird jedes Jahr am 17. Mai begangen, um das Bewusstsein für diese Krankheit zu schärfen und ihr vorzubeugen. Hohe...

Die häufigsten Frühjahrskrankheiten und Vorsichtsmaßnahmen

Die häufigsten Frühjahrskrankheiten und Vorsichtsmaßnahmen

Das Frühlingswetter, das nach dem kalten und düsteren Winter kommt, bringt einige Krankheiten mit sich. Einige Vorsichtsmaßnahmen, die...

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