
Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy

Referred as 'Sleeve Gastrectomy' in the medical literature; which is one of the most popular surgical procedures performed worldwide. The sleeve gastrectomy, which was first applied with the open method together with the Duodenal Switch surgery in 1988, became a stand-alone surgical procedure in 2009. With sleeve gastrectomy, which is one of the most frequently applied obesity surgery methods in the world, it is aimed to lose weight and increase the quality of life of the person.

Sleeve gastrectomy procedure is one of the most frequently applied methods around the world to lose weight. Within the scope of this method, 80-90% of the stomach is removed and the stomach is turned into a tube. This reduces the person's calorie intake. Sleeve gastrectomy application takes 1-2 hours with closed method. After the application, the patient stays in the hospital for 2-3 days depending on his condition. After the surgery, you can switch to a normal diet after consuming liquids for 2 weeks and soft foods for 2 weeks. However, you should take care to chew food thoroughly, consume meals in small portions, exercise and take vitamin supplements after the surgery. You should also avoid sugary and high caloric liquid foods in order not to quickly regain the weight you lost. After the surgery, patients lose most of their weight within 1 year, but this rate and duration differ from person to person.

Gastric sleeve surgeries performed under general anesthesia are performed with a closed technique called the laparoscopic method. In addition, depending on the patient's condition and the doctor, it is applied with a single or 4-5 holes and in some cases with a robot. Since very small holes are opened in these procedures, there are no aesthetic deformations in the patient. In order not to make the stomach too small during the surgery, a calibration tube with a diameter of the esophagus is placed at the inlet. With the B tube, the stomach is reduced as if it is the continuation of the esophagus, while excessive stenosis and obstruction are prevented. In addition, precautions regarding bleeding and vascularization are also taken. Afterwards, the stomach is cut from length with special cutting and closing tools. After the procedure, the calibration tube is removed.

Stomach reduction surgery, also called sleeve gastrectomy, is applied to significantly reduce the amount of food consumed by the person without feeling excessive hunger. In addition to helping to lose weight, it is used to help reduce the conditions that threaten the health of the person with excess weight. These situations are as follows:

  • Paralysis
  • Infertility
  • Heart diseases
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Hypertension
  • High cholesterol
  • Type 2 diabetes

Candidates who want to have sleeve gastrectomy surgery should have a body mass index between 35 and 40. This application is not recommended to obese patients who have severe reflux problems and to patients with uncontrolled diabetes.

Major surgical complications may occur in approximately 1% of patients. However, these major surgical complications can be corrected with a second operation. Bleeding, intestinal obstruction, leakage, organ injury and infection are these complications.

After sleeve gastrectomy, the patient reaches the feeling of satiety in a shorter period of time and this feeling of fullness lasts for a long time. Weight loss begins immediately after the surgery, provided that the person follows certain recommendations.

The patient can leave the hospital on the 3rd day after the operation with the approval of the doctor. After 2 days, the patient is ready to travel. You may experience certain changes in the digestive system in the postoperative period. For this reason, you should take care to comply with the diet program given by the dietitian. You can start taking fluids from the second day of the surgery. You need to maintain this nutritional routine for 14 days. At the end of this period, you can start consuming soft foods. You can consume all kinds of food starting from the 4th week of the operation.

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