
Hair Transplantation

Hair Transplantation

Hair loss, which starts in men from the twenties, is an important problem as it occurs at an early age. Moreover, the problem of hair loss, which is seen in men due to genetic reasons, has become a situation that can also be experienced in women due to some diseases and hormonal changes. People who have this problem should first go through a comprehensive health screening and find out if there is a special underlying health problem that causes shedding. If health problems such as hormonal imbalances, vitamin and mineral deficiencies are detected, treatment should be targeted to these problems. If hair loss continues after the necessary treatments are applied, or if there are significant openings in the hair, hair transplantation can be performed.

Hair transplantation is a permanent and natural solution offered for people who have problems with thinning and baldness in their hair. Hair transplantation is the process of transferring hair follicles by microsurgical methods to areas where hair follicles are not active and balding is experienced. In this process, the patient's own healthy hair is added. In addition, since the amount of hair loss and baldness problem experienced by everyone is different, hair transplantation is planned individually.

In the transplantation process, the hair follicles in the neck of the patient that are resistant to shedding are collected and transplanted into the channels in the balding area. Thus, it is aimed to provide the most natural solution to the person's hair loss and baldness. Since it is a surgical procedure, it is safest to perform this procedure in a hospital environment by specialist doctors.

The procedure can be applied to men and women who experience hair loss.

One of the most important causes of hair loss is genetics. However, advancing age, various illnesses and traumatic injuries can also cause hair loss.

"How is hair transplantation performed?" It is one of the most frequently asked questions about the topic. In hair transplantation, the application usually starts with the removal of hair follicles, called grafts, from the neck and these roots are transplanted to the determined bald area. However, in very rare cases, the hair on the temple or neck of the person may be insufficient. In such cases, hair follicles are taken from areas such as the chest wall or arms of the person. The application is completed in a few hours, depending on the amount of hair loss and the area to be transplanted. If the hairless area to be transplanted is large, the treatment is completed in a few sessions.

The first intervention to the person is performed under local anesthesia with sedation. After the transplantation is completed, a special bandage is applied to the head of the person and the person is discharged after 1-2 hours. Although it is very rare, in case of extreme pain, it is controlled with painkillers. After all these procedures, the person can return to his routine life with his head covered after 3 days of home rest. Dressing of the transplanted area is also done on the 5th day.

Hair transplantation has become a procedure applied with new techniques in line with the developing technology. Hair transplant prices also differ according to these techniques and the size of the area to be transplanted. The methods are as follows:


The FUE method, which is a frequently used hair transplantation method today, is an innovative application and allows the transplantation of chest or back hairs. In this technique, 0.6 - 0.7 mm thick micro motor tips are used. Thanks to these tips, no traces are left in the area where the hair follicles are taken, and the patient feels less pain after the procedure. Since local anesthesia is applied before the procedure, the patient does not feel any pain or pain after the procedure. The application steps of this method are as follows:

  • In the FUE hair transplantation method, the hair is shortened to remain 1 mm long in order to detect the hair follicles and to see the area to be transplanted more clearly.
  • Then, the hairs whose roots will be used are shaved to be 1 mm length.
  • Upon completion of this procedure, the area to be treated is anesthetized with local anesthesia so that the patient does not feel pain.
  • With the micro motor tip, the hair root is centered and the root follicle and the tissue surrounding the hair are extracted from the skin.
  • The extracted hair follicles are kept in a special solution to prevent damage.
  • With the FUE method, 2500-7500 hair strands can be transplanted in 1 session.
  • In the hair transplant procedure, it is important to consider the direction of hair growth and the hair structure of the patient. So that a more natural image is obtained.


The transplanted hair starts to fall out at the end of the first month. Between the 2nd and 3rd months, new hair begins to grow visibly. So, how long does hair transplantation take to give results? Towards the end of the 6th month, the planted area regains its final appearance. The most natural appearance of the treated area occurs after 1-2 years. The transplanted hair carries the person's own DNA and therefore grows in the same color.


DHI hair transplantation is also called unshaven hair transplantation. The purpose of this method is to perform a more solid and natural-looking application on sparse hair areas without damaging the existing hair. In this method, the person can also return to his daily life in a short time. The implementation steps of this process are as follows:

  • Before the transplantation process, the area to be transplanted and the donor area are analyzed in detail in a computer environment with a high-resolution camera. With this analysis, it is aimed to determine the hair type of the person, the density of the area to be transplanted, the density of shedding and the amount of roots that can be taken as a donor.
  • As a result of this analysis, the hair is cut and mildly shortened and the design of the area to be transplanted is considered.
  • Then, local anesthesia is applied to the donor area so that the patient does not feel pain during the procedure and the area is anesthetized.
  • With the application of this process, hair follicles are taken with micro tips and kept in a special solution.
  • After the root removal process is completed, local anesthesia is applied to the area to be planted. Transplantation is performed with micro tips according to the natural structure of the hair and its direction of growth.


No channel opening process is applied with the DHI method. For this reason, the crusting time and recovery after the procedure is very short. Small amounts of crusting are shed within 1 week. Between 2-3 weeks, the transplanted hair starts to fall out. At the end of the 3rd month, the hair starts to grow slowly and by the end of the 6th month, most of the hair comes out. With the completion of the first year, the results of hair transplantation become evident and the hair transplantation gains a natural appearance.


The hairline, which is very individual, is determined specifically to the natural hairline borders. Adjustment is made by paying close attention to this detail and without going too far down to the forehead muscles. However, some changes can be made in the hairline of people who have a wide forehead or who have irregular boldness on both sides of the hairline. Hair style, the patient's face structure, the condition of the balding skin and hair loss also determine this situation.


The transplanted hair starts to shed within a few weeks after the procedure. Then, these hairs fall out again in a 3-4 month period. After the hair completes this temporary shedding phase, it stays as permanent hair.

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