
Ozone Therapy

Ozone Therapy

Ozone is a molecule found in nature and has great effects on human life. So, have you ever wondered what this mysterious molecule is and how it is used in health? There is a lot of misinformation about ozone therapy, which has gained great popularity in the field of alternative medicine, especially in recent years. This method, which attracts the attention of not only those who want to feel healthier and more energetic, but also those who struggle with chronic diseases, is a ray of hope for many patients. Here are the things you want to know about the treatment:

What is Ozone?

Before giving information about the treatment, “What is ozone?” It is necessary to answer the question. Treatment is the use of ozone gas with medical applications. This process, which aims to revitalize the cells in the body and strengthen the immune system, is applied by various methods. It can be applied via ozone gas or absorption through the skin. During the treatment, energy production in the cells increases thanks to the strong oxidant effect of the molecule. This helps strengthen the immune system in the body and improve circulation. It is also effective in fighting infections due to the anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties of ozone.

What is Ozone Therapy?

Ozone is a type of oxygen with the chemical formula O3 and found naturally in the atmosphere. While the normal oxygen molecule (O2) consists of two oxygen atoms, ozone is formed by the combination of three oxygen atoms. Thanks to this feature, it has a strong oxidation ability and thus the potential to neutralize microorganisms. Its gas is used in treatment applications to improve blood circulation, increase oxygen use and help detoxification processes. Thanks to the strong antimicrobial effect of ozone, it supports the antioxidant defense system against infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses and fungi, and regulates inflammatory processes. For this reason, the treatment is especially used to protect patients with weakened immune systems against infections. The main application areas of the treatment include autoimmune diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, respiratory system diseases such as asthma and allergic rhinitis, metabolic disorders such as diabetes and peripheral vascular diseases. In addition, the therapy can be effective in controlling acute and chronic pain and has an enhancing effect on the performance of athletes.

How is Ozone Therapy Applied?

The application methods of the treatment vary depending on the way ozone gas is delivered to the body. Among these methods, the most commonly used are systemic (affecting the whole body), local (affecting a specific area) and intra-articular applications. Systemic treatment is usually administered through blood. In this procedure, a certain amount of blood taken from the patient is mixed with a special device and then given back to the patient. Thanks to this method, the oxygen level in the body increases and the immune system is strengthened. It also accelerates the healing process in inflamed areas, allowing patients to recover more quickly. Local treatment is performed by applying gas directly to the skin surface or a specific organ. For example, this method may be preferred in the treatment of wounds or infections on the skin. With local application, you can reduce inflammation and accelerate tissue repair.
Intra-articular treatment is mainly used for rheumatic diseases and joint disorders. In this method, ozone gas is injected directly into the joint space. While intra-articular application aims to reduce inflammation and pain, which method of treatment will be used to increase mobility and improve quality of life depends on the patient's condition and the disease to be treated. For this reason, it is important that you be evaluated by a specialist physician before therapy.

For Which Diseases Can Ozone Therapy Be Applied?

Ozone therapy is an effective method that can be used in the treatment of many diseases in the field of health. There is a wide range of diseases to which this method can be applied. Here are some diseases for which treatment has been applied successfully:

  • Rheumatic diseases: It is possible to reduce inflammation and relieve pain with treatment in inflammatory joint disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, fibromyalgia.
  • Dermatological diseases: Cavisi can be applied successfully in cases such as psoriasis, eczema, fungal infections and skin ulcers.
  • Cardiovascular diseases: Therapy, which is of great importance for cardiovascular health, is effective in the treatment of problems such as vascular occlusion, varicose veins and thrombosis.
  • Immune system support: It is an important aid that strengthens the immune system and protects the body against viruses, bacteria and fungi.
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome: In this disorder that causes long-term fatigue, ozone therapy contributes to increasing energy levels.
  • Supportive treatment in cancer patients: It helps prevent the growth of cancer cells and can reduce the side effects of chemotherapy.

These examples show how therapy is applied It shows only some of the diseases that can occur. Research, especially in recent years, reveals that the treatment has the potential to be used in many more areas. However, it should not be forgotten that the success rate is different for each disease, and it is important to follow your doctor's recommendations during the treatment process.

Who Cannot Have Ozone Therapy?

Ozone therapy is used as an effective method in the treatment of many diseases. However, like every treatment method, the treatment cannot be applied to every individual and there are some situations where this treatment is contraindicated. First of all, this method should not be preferred in people who are hypersensitive to ozone therapy. Due to the risk of allergic reactions, ozone therapy, especially administered by inhalation, is not suitable for such individuals. Additionally, those with a genetic disorder called Favism should also avoid ozone therapy. In this case, there is a deficiency of the Glucose-6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (G6PD) enzyme, which can lead to oxidic anemia in the blood. Ozone therapy is undesirable for individuals with G6PD deficiency as it may cause further blood cell damage by increasing oxidative stress.
In addition, patients with hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid gland) are not suitable candidates for treatment. Due to advanced thyroid hormone secretion, the metabolic rate increases and oxidative stress becomes high. In this case, patients with hyperthyroidism should avoid this treatment method, as there is a risk of increasing free radicals in the body with the treatment. In addition, it is not recommended for people who are pregnant. Since the effects of the practices performed during pregnancy on the health of the mother and baby are not fully known, therapy should be avoided during this period.

Are there any side effects of ozone therapy?

Although ozone therapy is generally considered a safe method, like all medical practices, it may involve certain risks and side effects. Therefore, it is important for patients considering treatment to be informed about possible side effects. Some patients may have an allergic reaction to ozone. Allergic reactions include symptoms such as skin redness, itching, swelling, and if you know or suspect that you have an existing ozone allergy, you should definitely share this issue with your doctor. If the pressure of the gas used in treatment is not adjusted correctly, there may be a situation that may cause an increase in pressure in the body. You can minimize this possibility by consulting an experienced specialist. As with any medical procedure, there is a risk of infection. This risk may be present, especially when the treatment is injected directly into the body. Providing sterile conditions and taking appropriate hygiene measures will help prevent the risk of infection.

How Long Does Ozone Treatment Last?

Treatment duration may vary depending on the method applied and the patient's condition. Usually this treatment is continued once or twice a week for several weeks. Considering the effectiveness of the treatment, the period may be extended. For example, time-consuming methods such as major autohemotherapy (ozone blood transfusion) may take longer, while simple and rapid methods such as local injections or rectal insufflation take less time. The patient's condition is also an important factor affecting the duration of treatment. In the treatment of chronic diseases, ozone therapy is generally longer lasting and aims to reduce symptoms and improve body functions. For patients with acute illnesses, the treatment process may take shorter. Other factors that determine how long treatment takes include the patient's lifestyle and other health conditions. Factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and stress may reduce the effectiveness of the treatment and prolong the duration. Taking these factors into consideration and adjusting their lifestyle helps patients get better results from ozone therapy.

What are the Application Methods of Ozone Therapy?

Ozone therapy can be performed with different application methods and these methods are determined according to the needs of the patient. In the major autohemotherapy method, blood taken from the patient is mixed with ozone gas and given back to the patient. Ozonated blood helps strengthen the immune system and create an antioxidant effect in the body. In the minor autohemotherapy method, a smaller amount of blood is used and is generally preferred in the treatment of conditions such as allergic reactions, viral infections, and low immune system. Another way of applying the treatment is local injections. This method is especially effective for localized problems such as joint and muscle pain. Ozone gas is injected directly into the problematic area, ensuring a rapid healing process. The method called rectal insufflation is used to treat conditions such as digestive system disorders and liver diseases by applying ozone gas to the intestines. The main purpose of all these methods is to activate the body's natural defense mechanisms and enable it to fight diseases better. Which method to apply is decided based on the patient's current condition and the doctor's evaluation. When applied appropriately, treatment can play an important role in improving the quality of life of many patients.

When does Ozone Therapy show its effect?

The time it takes for the treatment to take effect may vary depending on the method applied and the patient's condition. Generally, positive results begin to be seen shortly after the treatment is applied. However, since this process varies from person to person, a definitive process cannot be said. In order to understand when the treatment shows its effect, it is important to examine the method by which the treatment is applied. For example, in treatment applications performed with the autohemotherapy method, the effect of ozone included in the blood circulation can be felt immediately, while other methods may produce delayed results. The patient's general health condition is also important during the treatment process. While it may take longer for the effect to be seen in patients with chronic diseases or elderly patients, faster results can be obtained in healthy individuals. It should be evaluated by the physician when the treatment shows its effect. The physician can plan the treatment process according to the patient's condition and give information about when effective results can be obtained.

Preparation Before Ozone Treatment

As those who have had ozone therapy stated in their comments and evaluations, patients who will receive treatment must go through some preparation processes before treatment. These processes are important in order to increase the effectiveness of the treatment and minimize possible side effects. The general health status of the patient should be evaluated. During this examination, the suitability of the treatment is determined by taking into account factors such as the patient's current diseases, medications used and allergic conditions. In addition, at this stage, information is given about the treatment process, taking into account the patient's expectations. During the pre-treatment preparation process, special attention should be paid to the patient's diet. Especially following a diet rich in antioxidants supports the positive effects of ozone on the body. Therefore, it is very important to follow the diet program recommended by your doctor. It is also very important to make sure that the body has enough fluids before starting treatment. Insufficient fluid intake may reduce the effectiveness of ozone and increase the risk of possible side effects. Therefore, it is useful to drink plenty of water during the treatment process and, when necessary, use liquid supplements recommended by your doctor to maintain electrolyte balance.

Things to Consider After Ozone Therapy

For the benefits of ozone therapy, there are things to consider after therapy. These:

  • It is important that the patient pays attention to his nutrition during the therapy process. A balanced and healthy diet maximizes the benefit from therapy. Consuming foods especially rich in antioxidants helps increase the effect of the treatment.
  • It is also important to consume plenty of water during and after treatment. Water consumption facilitates the removal of toxins from the body and contributes to the faster effect of the therapy.
  • After the therapy application, it is important for the patient to rest and allow time to feel energetic again.
  • Additionally, avoiding alcohol and cigarette use during treatment plays an important role in the success of the therapy.
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