The technique used in the surgical treatment of sinus diseases is called fess surgery, also known as functional endoscopic sinus surgery. During this surgery, endoscopes are inserted into the nostrils without any external incision and detailed imaging of the area to be treated is obtained. Then, in addition to endoscopes, pathologies in the sinuses are intervened with some instruments. This procedure is applied as a treatment option in chronic sinus inflammations, anterior skull base injuries, sinus tumors, trauma-induced orbital damage, and cerebrospinal fluid leaks. Education and experience are of great importance in these surgeries due to the narrow and complex nature of the sinus areas around the nose, and proximity to organs that have extremely important functions such as the carotid vessels, eyes, brain, optic nerves and tear ducts.
In the surgeries performed in chronic sinus diseases; Polyps or inflamed tissues are cleaned, the channels connecting the sinuses and the nose are opened and expanded, and problems such as multiple sinus discharge holes are corrected. If a single sinus is to be intervened in this surgical procedure, the procedure may take up to 15 minutes. However, if the pathology involving all sinuses needs to be cleaned, the procedure may take over 2 hours.
After Endoscopic Sinus Surgery
“What is Fess surgery?”, “What awaits the patient after the surgery? What should be considered after the operation?” are topics commonly wondered. After the surgery there is no serious obstruction or pain that will negatively affect the patient's life, and simple pain medications are used in cases where there is discomfort. The patient stays in the hospital on the day of surgery, but patients who are in very good condition can be discharged right after the procedure. After the operation, the antibiotic treatment given by the doctor should be continued for 10 days, the doctor may extend this period or give additional medication if necessary. After the surgical procedure, the nose is cleaned mechanically and the mucosa is moisturized. In this process, it is recommended to use sprays containing sterile salt water until the crusts disappear. Cortisone-containing sprays can be recommended after surgery to patients with polyps and allergies. After the surgery, post-operative dressing is done 3 or 4 times. At the end of the first week, the crusts formed in the sinus and nasal drainage channels are cleaned during the first dressing. The patient should go for control at intervals of 7-10 days until full recovery is experienced in the postoperative period.
Computer Technology in Sinus Surgery (Surgical Navigation)
It is a technology that allows the guidance and tracking of the instruments used during endoscopic sinus surgery allowing the preservation of normal sinus anatomy with the help of a special device. Thanks to this technology, sinus surgeries are performed more reliably and full intervention is provided to all problem areas.
Balloon Sinuplasty Technology
The most important cause of chronic sinus infections is the obstruction of the channels that normally allow the mucus secretions produced in the sinuses to be drained into the nose. However, with balloon sinuplasty technology, the narrowed or blocked channels of the sinuses can be drained without cutting the tissues in the region.
Sinusitis in Children
Most of the problems related to otorhinolaryngological problems experienced by children are related to allergies. Allergic disease should also be analyzed in detail in childhood sinusitis. Findings seen outside of acute infection attacks provide important information about allergy. Eczema, runny nose, frequently recurring upper respiratory tract infections, snoring, frequently recurring middle ear infections and family history of allergy are the subjects that should be investigated in this regard. Sinusitis normally heals within 6 to 8 weeks at the latest. If the symptoms of the disease last longer than 12 weeks and progress in attacks, this means that this condition has turned into a chronic sinusitis. For sinusitis in children, antibiotics and supportive treatments are administered according to the condition of the child. However, if the child has conditions such as adenoid, severely enlarged tonsils and mucosal enlargement, it may be necessary to open the airways with endoscopic sinusitis surgery.