


Genital aesthetic applications; A form of treatment that includes surgical and non-surgical techniques, applied to the genital area in order to eliminate structural and functional disorders or to provide only aesthetic correction. In these applications, the complaints experienced by the person, the structural characteristics and expectations of the person are evaluated as a whole and the treatment method is selected accordingly. Labiaplasty is the most preferred among these aesthetic applications. So what is labiaplasty, why is it done?

It is the correction of the labia in the genital area due to functional disorders or aesthetic concerns. Labia is one of the external genital organs, and it consists of labia major and labia minor. This procedure is usually applied to correct the large, drooping and asymmetrical labia. More rarely, it is applied in the form of reducing or enlarging the labia major. Conditions such as large labia minor, sagging and dark color in the genital area can develop due to genetic characteristics and may be caused by the effect of hormones during puberty throughout the woman's life, tissue weakening due to estrogen deficiency due to menopause, pregnancy and childbirth. In addition, frequent vaginal infections, traumas and weight gain can cause unwanted discomfort and disorders in the external genitalia. Labia can be shortened, shaped or plumped by labiaplasty.

The structure of the external genital organ is different for each woman and the procedures applied to this area are applied individually. The person can be disturbed by the appearance of the external genital organ and have a safer psychology and a healthier sexual life by undergoing aesthetic applications. Apart from aesthetic concerns, due to the labia minora being larger than normal or drooping, conditions such as frequent infections, irritations and other hygiene problems may occur in this area. In addition, due to the fact that this area is larger than normal, an undesirable appearance may occur in clothes such as underwear and swimwear. Another reason for the need for aesthetic application in the genital area is the difficulty experienced in sexual intercourse. Pain may be experienced during sexual intercourse due to the stretching of the labia in the genital area. This asymmetry problem of the labia also causes problems when urinating. Due to the large and full labia, urine flows in an undesirable direction and wets the inner legs and causes frequent infection of the vagina. One or more of these reasons necessitate correction of the genital area.

Those who have labiaplasty usually have sagging problems in their labia minor. This sagging experience begins to affect the quality of life of the person negatively and makes surgery necessary. This application is applied to adult women of all ages, if the physician deems it appropriate and if the person does not have any other discomfort that may prevent the surgical procedure. This procedure is also preferred for the removal of sagging seen after birth. Thus, women who experience deformation in the genital area after giving birth can regain their self-confidence and health.

“How is labiaplasty surgery done?” It is one of the most frequently asked questions. Labiaplasty surgery is performed under anesthesia and the person does not feel pain during the procedure. However, the anesthesia method applied before the procedure may differ according to the clinical condition of the person and the surgical procedure to be applied. Anesthesia methods can be listed as general anesthesia, local anesthesia and regional anesthesia (waist anesthesia). In this surgery applied to the genital area, the excess tissue on the labia is removed and the area is reshaped. Thus, a more symmetrical appearance is achieved in the genital area.

Care after labiaplasty surgery is very important. Because the possibility of infection, bleeding and tissue damage after the surgical procedure is quite high. For this reason, the procedure should be performed by a specialist doctor and then the area should be given due care. The process waiting for the patient after the procedure is as follows:

  • Bleeding is not generally seen after the procedure, but there may be slight bleeding in the form of leakage and spotting only at the suture line, although rarely.
  • In the first days after the procedure, the area called vulva is completely swollen and very sensitive. Therefore, cold compress should be applied as recommended by the doctor.
  • The sutures placed in the area are absorbed or fall off within 10-15 days, depending on the material of the applied suture.
  • After the procedure, patients can return to work within a few days. However, this period is closely related to the patient's condition.
  • If there are no complications after the procedure, full recovery takes 30 days.
  • After the procedure, dressing should be done as often as the doctor recommends for 4 weeks, sports such as yoga and pilates that will create tension in the region should be avoided, activities that will put pressure on the area should be avoided, cleaning after the toilet should not be neglected, and a standing shower should be taken.
  • Pool, sea, bathtub and jacuzzi should not be used for 1 month after the procedure in order to prevent the risk of infection. Sexual intercourse should also be avoided for 1 month.
  • Applications such as epilation and waxing should not be applied for 1 month.

“When will labiaplasty heal?” The question is among the topics of interest. Labiaplasty recovery time ranges from 4 to 6 weeks on average. The patient is kept under observation for 6 hours after the procedure and then discharged.

Thanks to the developing technology, aesthetic procedures have become applicable to everyone. Genital aesthetic applications can be applied easily with the development of technology and patients can return to their routine life in a short time after the procedure. For this reason, the benefits of labiaplasty that can be applied to every woman can be listed as follows:

  • It increases one's self-confidence and quality of life.
  • Provides a more aesthetic appearance when wearing swimsuits, underwear, bikinis and tight clothes.
  • It reduces the pain experienced during sexual intercourse.

People who think about change and comfort before and after labiaplasty conduct detailed research about the procedure. Labiaplasty price ranges are also one of the topics of this research. Labiaplasty surgery prices vary according to the clinic performing the procedure, the preferred type of anesthesia, the genital structure and size of the person as well as the additional procedures to be applied.

Is it possible to give birth after labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty is not a procedure that affects the birth canal.


Does labiaplasty leave scars?

After the procedure, there is no scar in the area.


Will there be sagging on the inner lips after the procedure?

After the procedure, tissue does not reproduce in the area where the excess tissue is removed and there is no sagging.


What is the age limit for labiaplasty?

There is no age limit for this procedure. Anyone who experiences sagging in the genital area can be operated upon a doctor's examination, if deemed appropriate the surgery can be applied to any woman over the age of 18.


Is there any loss of sensation after labiaplasty?

After the procedure, there is no loss of sensation in the genital area. On the contrary, with the procedure, the excess tissue surrounding the clitoris is removed so that the person can have a healthier sexual life.

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