
Genital Aesthetics

Genital Aesthetics

Various deformations may occur in the genital area over time due to reasons such as aging, multiple and difficult births, genetic factors, wrong choice of underwear and use of wrong cosmetic products. Although these manifestations of these deformations differ from person to person, they can usually be seen in the form of vaginal enlargement, skin folds in the area or the formation of deep scar tissue due to previous sutures, deformities of the labia and colour changes. However, these problems can be eliminated with genital aesthetic applications, which are frequently applied and increasing in popularity today. This procedure, also called "Vaginal Aesthetics", is performed in order to eliminate deformities in the genital area, to solve the other problems that come with the deformities, and to improve the quality of life of the patient.

Genital aesthetic; An umbrella term for series of operations performed in order to improve the functionality and the appearance of the genital area in women. These procedures, called vaginal aesthetics, can be applied with both surgical and non-surgical methods (medical applications). Genital aesthetic applications are performed in the line of combining the expectations and the needs of the patient. Thus, deformations in the genital area that cause aesthetic concerns and functional problems are corrected in one go.

The procedures that are frequently applied in genital aesthetic surgery are as follows:

  • Perineoplasty
  • Vaginoplasty
  • Labiaplasty (Labia minora aesthetics)
  • Clitoral hoodoplasty
  • Prolapse treatment (Herniation, sagging)


The perineum is the area between the entrance of the vagina and the anus. Perineoplasty is the surgery of aesthetic correction of the perineum. This operation is usually performed simultaneously with vaginal tightening (vaginoplasty). One of the main reasons that make this surgery necessary is that the episiotomy incisions made during birth sometimes may not heal well enough. In addition, difficult and traumatic births, home births and inflammation of the sutures may also cause these tears and damage. With the application of perineoplasty, these scar tissues that have formed due to inappropriate healing which are in the form of depressions or swellings are removed and an aesthetically better appearance is provided.

These poorly healed incisions can also cause pain during sexual intercourse. However, the complaint of pain during sexual intercourse can be relieved with perineoplasty. In addition this, perineoplasty is also applied to women who have not yet given birth, usually to remove the skin folds between the vagina and anus. As a result of this process, the previously folded area gains a much smoother appearance. In this area between the vagina and anus, there should be no sutures and skin folds in terms of aesthetics, the area should be light-colored and tight, and the distance between the anus and the vagina should be as long as possible.


Perineoplasty surgery lasts between 30 and 45 minutes on average. Yet the duration may differ from patient to patient. After the procedure, the patient usually stays in the hospital for 1 day and then can continue routine life after 1 week.


Vaginoplasty surgery, which is considered within the scope of cosmetic gynecology; Umbrella term of the surgeries performed to restore the enlarged, stretched and sagging vagina to its former condition and firmness. These surgeries are usually performed together with the perineoplasty operation.

LABIOPLASTY (Labia minor surgery)

The surgeries are performed to reduce the sagging, large, dark coloured or wrinkled labia minor with special surgical methods are called labiaplasty. Besides the psychological effects of deformations in the labia minora, problems such as irritation when wearing tight clothes may also be experienced by patients. Additionally, this situation, which creates problems in activities such as cycling and sports, can also create difficulties during sexual intercourse. With labiaplasty, these deformations in the region can be eliminated. Since the treatment method differs from patient to patient, it is important to talk to your doctor for correct treatment planning.


The clitoris is an important organ that provides sexual pleasure and plays a key role in female orgasm. In some women, the excess tissue of the labia minora may reach up to the clitoris. During the labiaplasty procedure, this excess skin fold on the clitoris is removed and this application is called hoodoplasty.


After normal birth and with advancing age, the urinary bladder, the last part of the large intestines called the rectum, the vaginal region and its neighbouring structures are displaced and moved to a position lower than the anatomical position of the uterus. This situation causes both aesthetic and serious functional problems in women's lives. Functional vaginal operations performed in order to eliminate these problems are as follows:

  • Uterine prolapse
  • Cystocele
  • Rectocele

The sagging in the genital area, which is called prolapse can be isolated or all can be seen in the same patient to a certain degree. The most important factors causing this situation are as follows:

  • Age
  • Menopause
  • Pregnancy
  • Vaginal birth
  • Obesity
  • Chronic cough
  • Chronic constipation
  • Systemic diseases such as diabetes or connective tissue disorders
  • Genetic factors


The network of muscles around the vagina is like a complex support structure. This complex support structure includes the walls and muscles of the vagina. These places weaken over time and this is called a prolapse. This affects body functions over time. Prolapse treatment is as follows:

  • Life style changes
  • Kegel exercises
  • Surgery

Genital aesthetic applications are suitable for women of all ages who want to feel good and beautiful. However, these applications are not preferred for women under the age of 18, except in very special cases.

Genital aesthetic surgeries are also performed to improve functional problems besides the aim of correcting aesthetic and psychological concerns. The complaints that necessitate genital aesthetic applications are as follows:

  • Frequent and recurrent vaginal infections, discharge, odour
  • Pain and difficulty during sexual intercourse
  • Frequent urinary tract infections
  • Inability to wear tight clothing such as bikinis, swimsuits
  • Difficulty walking or exercising
  • Loss of confidence
  • Problems with sexual partners
  • Loss of sexual desire

Looking beautiful is not limited to facial and physical features. It is necessary for a person to love and trust themselves in order to achieve true beauty. Beauty, which does not have a set standard, is possible for everyone to achieve thanks to the developing technology. Genital aesthetics, one of the areas that develop in conjugation with technology, is applied to make the person feel more beautiful and to eliminate sexual dysfunctions that may be accompanied. Disruptions in the genital area cause as much physical as psychological problems. Genital aesthetic procedures correct problems such as enlargement of the vagina or sagging of the labia minora. As a result of the surgery, the person's self-confidence increases and sexual dysfunctions overcome.

Genital aesthetic applications, which help to eliminate the disorders that occur in the genital area over time, provide certain advantages when applied by specialist physicians. These advantages are as follows:

  • Improved self-confidence.
  • Eliminated problems which arise during sexual intercourse.
  • Elimination of worries/anxiety which may arise during sexual intercourse.
  • Achieved freedom of choice when choosing underwear or clothes.
  • Genital areas will keep drier.

Genital aesthetics, which cover a special area among aesthetic applications, are performed by gynecologists (gynecologists) and physicians who are experts in the field of plastic surgery.

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