The Most Common Spring Diseases and Precautions to Take

The Most Common Spring Diseases and Precautions to Take

The spring air that comes after a cold and gloomy winter brings some diseases with it. Here are some of the precautions you can take to enjoy this long-awaited beautiful month and spring diseases in the continuation of our article.

Upper Respiratory Diseases

In the spring months when the weather is in the transition phase, there is an increase in diseases such as colds and flu. The blooming of flowers in the spring, the air movements and the active bees ensure the transmission of viruses. For this reason, it is extremely important to take vitamin supplements, increase water consumption, avoid sweating and not sleep deprivation in order not to get sick.

Spring fever

In spring fatigue, which is a typical situation, headaches increase and there is a constant desire to sleep. In order to overcome the so-called spring fatigue, one should do sports, drink plenty of water, take vitamin and mineral supplements and pay attention to sleep patterns.

Allergic Asthma

If you have allergic asthma, you should be more careful than usual in the spring months. With inflammation of the bronchi, you may experience coughing, difficulty breathing, and wheezing. To minimize these situations, you should stay away from allergens.

Urticaria (Hives)

It manifests itself as itching, redness and swelling on the skin. Avoiding allergens that can cause this condition is the best precaution.

Stomach and Intestinal Diseases

Reflux and gastritis, which are diseases of the stomach and intestinal system, increase with the spring season. Diarrhea cases also increase in spring due to some viruses. In order to avoid these situations, a balanced diet should be consumed, and vegetables and fruits should be washed with plenty of water.

Allergic Rhinitis (Hay Fever)

Pollens are one of the biggest causes of allergic rhinitis caused by inflammation of the nasal mucosa due to allergic reasons. Allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever; It manifests itself with symptoms such as runny nose, congestion and itching in the nose, watering in the eyes, cough, decreased smell and nasal discharge. One of the most common mistakes made in allergic rhinitis is not using the allergy medications and sprays given by the doctor regularly. Since the sun will trigger the situation, you should take care to go outside in the afternoon as much as possible. In sunny weather, you should be careful to use sunglasses and a hat. If you have allergies, try to stay away from flowery environments in these weather.

7 Tips to Have a Healthy Spring

If you want to spend the spring with health and joy, pay attention to these:

  • You should pay attention to hygiene rules, stay away from closed and crowded environments, and ventilate your environment frequently.
  • Protect your immune system with a healthy diet.
  • Consume at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day.
  • Take care to consume vegetables rich in vitamin C such as radishes, oranges, spinach, tangerines, leeks, grapefruit and cabbage.
  • Try to consume fish, which is a source of omega-3, 2 times a week.
  • Have your vitamin D level checked and take supplements if needed.
  • Make sure you drink enough fluids and get regular sleep.
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