What is Increased WBC Count?

What is Increased WBC Count?


White blood cells or leukocytes are cells responsible for protecting the body against infection by viruses, parasites, fungi, bacteria and other invading organisms. In body tissues and bloodstream, white blood cells identify and destroy pathogens. Although white blood cells are crucial to the body's immune response, they normally only make up 1% of the total blood cells. Elevated WBC, also called leukocytosis, can indicate a number of health problems such as infection, blood or bone marrow disorders.

What Is Considered Increased WBC Count?

As in all blood count reference ranges, WBC elevation in the blood is the situation where the WBC value is higher than 10,000 in the complete blood count. There are between 4,000 and 10,000 leukocytes in 1 mm3 of blood in a healthy individual. So how many WBCs would indicate leukemia? 4500-11000 WBC is normal. WBC increase of 10 times this value is also extremely dangerous. This value is 190,000 for adults and this is a sign of blood cancer.

Causes of Increased WBC Count

“What causes high WBC count?” For those wondering, the question can be answered as follows: Causes of high white blood cell count include infection, smoking, chronic lung disease, low immunity, abnormalities in the bone marrow, inflammatory or allergic reactions, and even physical and emotional stress.

Infecting microorganisms are stimulated to increase bone marrow activity as they multiply in the blood or tissues. The body starts producing extra white blood cells to fight the infection. The inflammatory response itself may also be associated with an increase in white blood cell count, as infection can also lead to inflammation and white cells are produced in response to inflammation. Overall, the most common cause of this elevation is the response to infection.

Another reason for an elevated white blood cell count is leukemia. This is effectively a cancerous change that causes significant overproduction of white blood cells in the blood and bone marrow. However, these extra cells often do not work properly and make leukemia patients susceptible to other infections.

Smoking and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) from smoking can cause limited airflow to the lungs. As the lungs and airways become more inflamed, the body creates more white blood cells in response. Other causes of abnormally high white cell counts include immune system disorders such as Crohn's disease and Graves' thyroiditis. Finally, emotional or physical stress can also cause elevation in WBC count.

Increased WBC Count Symptoms

The symptoms of high WBC count are as follows:

  • Body and bone pain
  • Chills – shivering
  • Cough
  • Weight loss
  • Stomach ache
  • Diarrhea
  • Burning while urinating
  • Postnasal drip
  • Night sweats
  • Joint pain
  • Throat ache
  • Sputum
  • Fever

What Are the Risks of Having an Increased WBC Count?

“What is WBC elevation? What risks does it pose? The answer to the question is as follows:

This elevation is not a disease state. But it can point to conditions such as autoimmune disorders and cancer. However, a high WBC value may represent a normal finding in response to an established infection.

Increased WBC Count During Pregnancy

“What is increased WBC count in pregnant women?” The question is also among those that are wondered. WBC elevation in pregnant women is a common condition. While there are between 4,000 and 10,000 leukocytes in 1 mm3 of blood in a healthy person, this value is between 6,000 and 17,000 during pregnancy. However, WBC elevation in pregnancy usually returns to normal levels in about four weeks after delivery.

Increased WBC Count in Babies

WBC elevation is also seen in infants. So what is the level of WBC in the blood in babies? This refers to an increase in the total number of white blood cells. It is usually physiological in newborns. WBC elevation seen in infants rarely exceeds 30,000/mm3. So, which disease can increased WBC count be a symptom of? This condition, which is seen in infants, is rare and is called leukemia.

How Does Exercise Affect WBC Count Elevation?

If you had a blood test right after a workout, your WBC count might be high. This is because your white blood cell count increases during exercise. In fact, this increase in the activity of your white blood cells can allow your body to identify disease-causing organisms faster than under normal conditions, and this is another benefit of exercise. Immediately after exercise, your white blood cell levels increase in proportion to the intensity and duration of the exercise. Since the amount of white blood cells drops to its normal level after exercise, you should wait 1 day before having a blood test after a heavy exercise session.

What Kind of Foods Help to Lower WBC Count?

“How to lower the WBC count? Does diet have an effect on WBC count? Food also affects the levels of WBC’s. In order to keep this value under control, you should avoid consuming foods high in fat, calories, sugar and salt. Instead of these foods, you should prefer foods that are high in antioxidants and low in glycemic index, such as vitamins C and E, fiber, calcium, fish oils, monounsaturated fats.

How Is Elevated WBC Count Treated?

“What is WBC elevation and how is it treated?” The answer to the question is:

Treatment of elevated WBC does not require medical intervention beyond symptomatic treatment (such as resting or drinking hot tea to soothe a sore throat). In treatment, ways to alleviate the symptoms that cause the WBC value to increase are sought. In this regard, medications are given to reduce fever, swelling and pain. Medication is also used to treat and prevent allergy, asthma or COPD symptoms. Diet is recommended to help alleviate the effects of gastrointestinal inflammatory conditions. Medication for autoimmune diseases or inflammatory disorders, chemotherapy or radiation therapy for blood cancer, bone marrow transplant for some types of blood cancer, antibiotics or other medications to treat an infection that causes high white cell counts are also part of the treatment.

Tests Applied for WBC Count Assessment

The causes of high WBC are investigated in the complete blood count test. This test provides a report on the number of white blood cells and red blood cells, as well as the type and percentage of each white blood cell.

When to go to the doctor?

  • High fever
  • Sudden or rapidly worsening joint or skin redness, swelling, or pain
  • Recurrent nausea, vomiting or diarrhea
  • Sweating or shaking
  • Dizziness, pale skin, rapid heart rate or rapid breathing

White blood cells are an important part of the immune system that help fight infections. While you are recovering from an illness, your white blood cells may increase temporarily. Sometimes medical conditions associated with excessively normal (elevated number of normal WBC’s) or abnormal white blood cells can cause symptoms such as fever, swelling or congestion. WBC elevation can be measured in the urine.


What is considered elevated WBC count in the blood?

“What is considered elevated WBC count?” WBC value higher than 10,000 in a complete blood count is considered elevated WBC count.


WBC elevation is a sign of which disease?

“What does elevated WBC count mean? What disease does it indicate? WBC count may be elevated due to infections in the lungs, throat or urinary tract. In addition, it can be caused by different conditions such as heart attack, leukemia.

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