What is a Rash? How Does a Rash Heal?

What is a Rash? How Does a Rash Heal?

Rash, which is usually seen in hot climates with high humidity and mostly in the summer months, can affect people of all ages. This condition, which causes excessive itching, can complicate the person's life. This disorder, which especially affects newborn babies and young children, is generally seen in the neck, chest, back, abdomen, legs, arms and face. It is mostly caused by external factors such as high temperature, which affects the curved parts of the body, or it can be caused by excessive sweating. So, what is a rash?

What is Rash?

“What does a rash mean?” The question is one of the most frequently asked questions. The rash, which is defined as miliaria in the medical literature, is pink or red bumps on the skin and is generally confused with the symptoms of skin diseases. Although it is a condition that affects all age groups, it is more common in infants and young children due to smaller skin pores and underdeveloped sweat glands. In addition, the fact that babies and children are overly dressed according to the seasonal temperature can also cause a rash. The most important reason for it to be seen in adults is excessive sweating and lack of hygiene.

What are the Types of Rash?

“Does the rash itch?” There are 4 different clinical types of rash, some which may bother the person due to itching. These include:

Miliaria Kristalina: It is a mild type of rash in which the skin pores are superficially clogged. This rash is usually 1-2 mm and it is located on the skin. Tiny vesicles that are not inflamed can easily burst, and when they burst, some liquid may come out. This type of rash generally occurs after sunburn or illnesses with high fever. It does not cause itching or pain and is commonly seen in infants.

Miliaria Rubra: It is a type of rash with a red to pink colour and is seen due to blockage of sweat glands. This type of rash, sometimes accompanied by itching and burning, is often seen on the legs and arms.

Miliaria Profunda: It occurs as a result of clogging of the pores due to excessive sweating. This type of rash, which creates a stinging sensation, causes uncomfortable red bumps. Milaria profunda, which occurs rarely, is generally seen in adults who sweat excessively.

Miliaria Pustulosa: This type of rash is caused by an infection.

What Causes Rash?

“What causes a rash?” Frequently asked question about the subject. The common cause of a rash is that sweat cannot be expelled from the pores and is trapped in the skin. However, the pores are not only clogged by sweat. Different factors also play a role in clogging the pores. These factors are:

Overheating: A rash can also occur in winter due to overdressing.

Cosmetic products: Cosmetic products with specific contents cause clogging of the pores.

Types of fabrics: Tight, synthetic and skin-contact fabrics prevent evaporation and cause skin irritation.

Physical activity: Excessive sweating due to intense exercise is also a trigger.

Underdeveloped sweat glands: Sweat glands are not fully developed in newborn babies and rash is a common problem in the age group. The rash develops when babies are over dressed or have a febrile illness, especially in the first weeks after birth.

Tropical climates: Extremely hot weather with high humidity is also among the contributors of rash formation.

Prolonged bed rest: This can occur when the person has to lie down for a long time due to an illness.

How Is Rash Diagnosed?

This condition, which manifests itself with prominent symptoms, does not require any sample examination or screening test. A physical examination is sufficient to diagnose a rash. After the physical examination, the treatment process is planned according to the patient's complaints, the type and severity of the rash.

How to Treat Rash?

It is a condition that heals spontaneously within a few days without treatment. However, during this process, the skin should be kept dry and cool. In addition, avoiding chemical and cosmetic products and choosing cotton fabrics are also important in the treatment period. However, if the condition lasts for a long time and does not heal on its own, infection may develop. This leads to worsening of the state of the patient due to inflammation and high fever. In this case, pharmacological treatment should be initiated. The doctor may recommend the use of antibiotics, in addition to this ointments may be helpful.

How Does the Rash Heal?

First of all, you should pay attention to hygiene, keep the body cool, and change your clothes immediately when you sweat. In the shower, you should avoid the use of products that can irritate the skin, such as scrubs.

What Helps with A Rash?

This condition may go away on its own within a few days, and if it persists for a long time, medical attention may be required. The affected area should be kept dry and loose and cotton clothes should be preferred.

How to Prevent Rash?

The rash is generally seen around the legs, arms, elbows, knees, belly, back, chest, forehead, eyelids and nose. Usually the rash will go away on its own in 3-4 days. However, if it causes complaints such as excessive itching and burning, infection should be suspected and a dermatologist should be consulted. In this process, the doctor provides creams and lotions with a cooling effect. In addition, the measures that can be taken are as follows:

  • Take a shower with warm (not very hot) water in hot summer months.
  • Cosmetic products should not be used on humid and hot days.
  • Humid and hot environments should be avoided
  • Attention should be paid to water consumption and the fluid lost during the day should be compensated sufficiently.
  • Cotton underwear should be preferred.
  • Cotton fabrics should also be used in bed covers.
  • During summer months, babies should be dressed according to the seasonal norms and washed frequently.
  • Baby's diapers and sweaty clothes should be changed frequently.

What Causes Rash in Babies? How Does a Rash in Babies Heal?

Rash is a common problem in babies. Sweat glands of babies develop fully 1 month after birth. Especially in hot weather, dressing babies thicker than the seasonal norms increases the risks of developing a rash. Being overweight is also a risk factor. The application of substances such as carbonate on a rash is among the common mistakes. Instead, the baby should be dressed according to the season on hot days, washed frequently and changed immediately after sweating. Even if it is necessary to use a rash medicine, a doctor should be consulted beforehand.

Rash in Women

In the summer months, a rash can also be observed in the genital and groin areas of women. The use of pads, the choice of synthetic underwear, and not paying attention to the hygiene of the genital area are effective. For this reason, menstrual pads and underwear should be changed frequently, great attention should be paid to hygiene, and cotton underwear should be worn. A doctor should be consulted before using any cream for a rash that does not go away.

What Kind of Health Problems Does Rash Cause?

If there is an inflammatory rash, it may be caused by bacteria and it may be contagious. Due to the rash, the area itches and therefore infects other parts of the body. This condition, which is generally seen around the nose and mouth, can spread to the whole body.

Rash and Other Skin Diseases

Rash may present similarly to some skin diseases. These include:

Eczema: The exact cause of eczema is unknown; it is generally seen in people with sensitive skin and in those prone to allergies. Eczema is usually seen on the legs, arms and cheeks of infants, in adults it can also present on hands and feet.

Sixth disease: Sixth disease is transmitted by nasal secretions, first it starts with cold symptoms and high fever. It then produces rashes on the forehead, feet, back, and breasts. This discomfort, which is mostly seen in infants, generally resolves in 1 week, but in more severe cases it can lead to convulsions.

Fifth disease: This disease is transmitted to others by respiratory droplets. When the rash occurs, the disease is not contagious anymore. It is generally seen in the 5-15 age group.

When should a doctor be consulted?

The rash usually goes away on its own within 3-4 days. However, a specialist should be consulted if the rash seems to persist. Especially if the patients skin swelling, temperature and redness is severe, time should not be lost.

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