How does the headache go away?

How does the headache go away?

Headache is the most common nervous system disorder, affecting half of the adult population at least once a year, according to the World Health Organization. The most common cause of headaches is muscle tension. In addition, high fever, migraine, sinusitis, head trauma and viral infections also cause pain. Headaches can also be caused by stress. Depending on these factors, the first step in preventing frequent pain is to determine what kind of pain is experienced. For this, the symptoms of pain should be followed closely. Here is “How does a headache go away? What causes headache?" Answers to questions such as:

What is Headache?

Pain in any part of the head is a nervous system disorder experienced by people of all ages. Most of these pains are benign, but the pain with a bad course requires early intervention. Therefore, the symptoms of pain should be followed very carefully. Particularly, patients who apply to the emergency department with the complaint of pain are carefully analyzed by the emergency physicians. Then, various radiological imaging methods and laboratory techniques are applied to closely examine the factors causing the condition.

What Are the Types of Headaches?

There are different types of pain. In fact, the International Headache Society divides pain into 14 main groups and hundreds of subgroups. The data presented by the World Health Organization show that almost everyone experiences this pain at some point in their life. Although these pains are defined as a feeling of pain originating from any part of the head, the severity of the situation differs from person to person. Pain of 38 degrees or more, stiffness in the neck, vomiting, difficulty in speaking, skin rash, loss of vision or paralysis of a part of the body require emergency intervention.

There are many different types of pain. Types of headaches are as follows:

Tension Headache: It is one of the most common types of pain and is usually experienced by women over the age of 20. People who experience tension-type headaches report that the pain creates a tight band-like sensation around the head. The source of this type of pain is the tension of the muscles in the skull and neck. Especially stress or being in an incorrect position for a long time are among the common factors in experiencing this pain.

Cluster Headache: It is a pain that is not throbbing but creates a burning sensation behind the eyes or on one side of the face. If this type of pain is experienced, symptoms such as a runny nose and watery eyes accompany the condition. This pain, which can last for a long time, can last up to 6 weeks in some cases. In fact, these pains can occur every day of the week, and the reason for this has not been determined precisely. This rare type of pain is usually experienced in men between the ages of 20 and 40.

Migraine: Migraine is a severe type of pain. It is usually experienced as throbbing that occurs on only one half of the face. This type of pain is divided into different sub-types within itself. One of them is chronic migraine. Chronic migraine-type pain is experienced for 15 days for 1 month. Another type of migraine is hemiplegic migraine. In this type of migraine, even if the patient does not experience pain, he or she experiences dizziness, nausea and vision problems. In addition, some patients are accompanied by various visual symptoms. In this process, people may experience visual problems such as glare, blind spots, and flashing lights.

Thunder Headache: This pain, which occurs quickly, progresses with a serious course. This pain, which starts suddenly without symptoms, lasts for 5 minutes. This pain, which involves the blood vessels in the brain, is due to problems that require immediate intervention.

High Blood Pressure Headache: Pain may be experienced due to increased blood pressure. “How does a tension-related headache go?” If you are wondering, you should definitely get medical support in this kind of pain. Pain from blood pressure affects all sides of the head and worsens with physical activity. In addition to this type of pain, it is accompanied by symptoms such as loss of vision, shortness of breath, bleeding from the nose and chest pain.

What are the Causes of Headache?

"What causes headache?" are among the topics of interest. The causes of pain vary according to the type of pain experienced. In this regard, the causes of headache are as follows:

  • Primary type headaches generally cause enlargement of brain vessels with environmental factors and release of chemicals, stimulating nerves and causing pain in people with genetic predisposition.
  • Some people may experience pain after trauma.
  • Inflammation of the sinuses causes a feeling of pressure in the cavities of the face and the development of pain.
  • Some headaches are experienced due to decreased spinal fluid in the brain.
  • Up to 40% of women who have given birth may experience pain within 1 week after delivery. The most important reason for this is the change in estrogen level.

What Causes Constant Headaches?

“What causes constant headaches?” The question can be answered as follows: Persistent headache and fatigue, brain tumor, meningitis-like infections, traumatic brain damage, stroke, too high or too low intracranial pressure, excessive drug use are the causes of chronic headaches. Whether there is another disease underlying the frequent pain should be examined.

How Are Headaches Diagnosed?

The condition can be easily diagnosed by reviewing the headache sites and causes. In the diagnosis, the medical history of the patient is taken first. In this regard, the doctor asks the patient some questions and with the help of these questions, the severity, duration of the pain experienced and the factors causing it are defined. The questions asked to the patient during the diagnosis are as follows:

  • How often do you have a headache?
  • How long does your headache last?
  • How severe is the pain?
  • What is your stress level?
  • Your sleeping habits?
  • How long has your headache been going on?
  • Does anyone else in your family suffer from headaches?
  • How many cups of tea/coffee do you consume per day?
  • Do you also have complaints such as hypersensitivity to light and sound, headache, nausea, weakness that you experience along with the pain?
  • Do you have a headache during physical activity?
  • Is your headache a throbbing or sharp pain?
  • What time of day do you experience pain?
  • Which part of your head hurts?

After these questions, the doctor looks for signs and symptoms that may cause pain, such as high fever, nausea and vomiting, infection, dizziness, loss of consciousness, high blood pressure, mental confusion, muscle numbness, balance problems, vision problems, and extreme fatigue. MRI or CT may be requested at this stage. Various laboratory investigations may be required to detect another condition.

How Does a Headache Go? How to Treat Headaches?

“How is the headache going?” While seeking an answer to the question, whether there is an underlying health problem is investigated in detail, and if the situation is caused by a disease, the necessary treatment is received from the physician who is an expert in the subject. In a situation other than this, the neurologist learns the medical history of the person and plans the treatment process after the necessary examination. There are many drugs that are tried in the treatment process. However, the main target in this treatment is to reduce the triggering factors that cause the condition, to suppress the vascular problems that appear at the time of pain and to relieve the sensitivity in the nervous system. In this process, the treatment applied to the person differs as preventive and attack. The pain experienced by the person is the determining factor in choosing these treatments. For example, if the patient experiences pain 1-2 times a month, attack treatment is applied. “What cures the headache?” While seeking an answer to the question, preventive and preventive treatment is applied if the situation occurs in the form of attacks of 4 or more within a few months. During this period, medication should be taken every day. These drugs are also prescribed by the treating doctor. Apart from these treatments, some alternative treatment methods are also used. These:

  • Biofeedback, also called feedback and relaxation training for tension-type pain
  • Acupuncture for migraine headaches
  • Aromatherapy, deep tissue massage and herbal products for chronic pain

Ways to Avoid Headache

In order to prevent the situation from happening during the treatment process of the pain experienced, the person should make some changes in his lifestyle. First of all, the triggers that cause pain should be determined, the time of the day the pain is experienced should be followed and the pain experienced after which activities should be noted. If possible, these noted factors should be reduced. In addition, if the person uses alcohol, this use should be limited. Foods containing nitrates also cause pain. Consumption of such processed foods should also be reduced. A person's sleep pattern is also among the factors that affect pain. Therefore, a regular and adequate sleep pattern should be followed. After long-term cell phone or computer use, fatigue and pain may occur in the neck muscles of the person. Therefore, the position should be changed frequently. Hunger is also a headache trigger. For this reason, meals should not be skipped during the day. Another trigger is stress. For stress, which is not a preventable situation, a measure such as gaining the ability to manage stress can be taken.

Does It Cause Neck Headaches?

Contrary to popular belief, pain is not always caused by head-related disorders or the brain. These pains can also originate from the neck and neck. Right at this point, “What causes a headache from the neck?” The question may come to mind. This question can be answered as neck-related pains are experienced due to the disorder of the structures in the neck.

What is good for headaches?

"What is good for headaches?" The question can be answered as follows:

  • Relaxing the muscles between the neck and temple with massage or warm compress
  • Putting cold presses on the forehead area after experiencing a migraine attack
  • Placing a hot towel or heating pad behind the head for tension-type pain
  • Performing movements that relax the muscles, such as yoga or meditation
  • Falling asleep in a dark and quiet room in case of migraine
  • enough time to sleep
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