COVID-19 is a respiratory disease that can affect your lungs. It is caused by the new coronavirus known clinically as SARS-COV-2. There are various Covid symptoms. One of these symptoms is headache. So, is headache a common symptom? How is it different from stress headaches or migraines? For answers to these questions and more, read on for more in-depth information on the relationship between Covid 19 and headaches, other symptoms to look out for, and when it's important to seek medical care.
Headache is a potential symptom of COVID-19. Headache can also be seen during the coronavirus infection or for a long time after the infection is over. The only complaint underlying the headache may also be the common cold. Headache in the Covid 19 period is examined in two ways:
If the headache is caused by an infection, it is recommended that the person drinks plenty of fluids and stays away from smoking and alcohol. If the patient is in good mental condition, it is also recommended to exercise. In addition, a diet rich in vitamins and minerals is recommended. However, if there is a persistent headache despite all these precautions, a painkiller is prescribed.
Headache is a common health complaint. For this reason, it should be well differentiated whether the headache is caused by COVID-19 or not. So how? The headache seen with COVID-19 is moderate in severity and can also cause a rapid heart rate. In addition, this headache is experienced on both sides and is exacerbated when you bend over.
There is sensitivity to light and sound in the complaints experienced by people who have migraine attacks, but headaches seen with COVID-19 do not occur with common migraine symptoms, COVID-19 headaches may occur with fever.
While a headache is a potential symptom of COVID-19, there are other more common symptoms. These symptoms are as follows:
Additional symptoms that may occur less frequently also include:
If you are worried that you may have COVID-19 when you experience headaches or other symptoms, isolate yourself. In this case, you must stay at home, be in a separate room at home and use a mask. If symptoms persist, you should contact your doctor. After the examination, the doctor gives advice to help you get through the process or recommends you to test according to your situation.