What Are the Symptoms of Pregnancy?

What Are the Symptoms of Pregnancy?

While pregnancy tests and ultrasound are the only ways to know if you're pregnant, you can look for other pregnancy signs and symptoms. The earliest pregnancy symptoms include more than just a missed period. So, what are the pregnancy symptoms?

When Do Pregnancy Symptoms Start?

“When do pregnancy symptoms start?” The question is at the top of the questions asked. The first week of your pregnancy is determined by your last menstrual period. Even if you are not pregnant yet, your last menstrual period is considered as the first week of pregnancy and the first signs of pregnancy are observed. However, the expected due date is calculated using the first day of the last menstrual period. This is why you may not have 100 percent pregnancy symptoms in the first few weeks of your 40-week pregnancy.

Pregnancy Signs and Symptoms

  • Menstrual delay
  • Metallic taste in the mouth
  • Craving
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Desire to eat certain foods
  • Nasal congestion
  • Skin problems
  • Gum bleeding
  • Breast pain and breast tenderness
  • Grumpiness
  • Anorexia
  • Constipation
  • Constipation
  • Bleeding (Discharge)
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Groin pains
  • Smell sensitivity
  • Nausea
  • Stomach and digestive problems
  • Frequent urination
  • Bloating
  • Indigestion
  • Taste and odor sensitivity
  • Sleepiness
  • Vaginitis
  • Increase in body temperature
  • Fatigue and desire to sleep


How is Pregnancy Diagnosed?

Pregnancy symptoms are observed in various ways. However, the most accurate result is the pregnancy test. Whether you are pregnant or not can be found out with a home pregnancy test and blood test. Pregnancy tests that can be applied practically at home usually give reliable results.

When Is a Pregnancy Test Done?

“How are the pregnancy symptoms?” As well as the question of when the pregnancy test will be taken, it is also a matter of curiosity. If you're experiencing pregnancy symptoms or just feel like you're pregnant, you can wait 1 week after your missed period to take a home pregnancy test. However, you can have a blood test for an earlier result. Pregnancy symptoms should be evaluated taking into account the menstrual calendar.

How to Calculate Pregnancy?

Gestational week calculation is usually done on the basis of the menstrual calendar. Following the menstrual cycle ensures accurate results from the pregnancy calculation. Early pregnancy symptoms can be explained with the test. If you follow the pregnancy calendar during the period you want to get pregnant, you will not have any difficulties in following your pregnancy. Pregnancy symptoms are different in the first months. If the symptoms observed during this process are followed, a healthy pregnancy period can be experienced. Here is the answer to how to calculate pregnancy:

Pregnancy generally lasts 40 weeks. For this reason, the best method of estimating the last due date is to count 40 weeks or 280 days from the first day of the last menstrual period. Another way to follow is to subtract 3 months and add 7 days on the first day of the last menstrual period.

Calculating the due date based on the first day of the last menstrual period gives accurate results for women who have a regular menstrual cycle. However, the method may not be accurate for women with an irregular menstrual cycle.

How to Make the Most Reliable Pregnancy Test?

Early pregnancy symptoms prepare a woman to become a mother. Women experience the greatest changes in their bodies during this period. This psychological, hormonal and physical changes experienced by the pregnant woman are the most common symptoms encountered. However, not every symptom conclusively confirms pregnancy. The best way to confirm this is to take a pregnancy test. If menstruation is delayed, the first diagnosis can be made by performing a home pregnancy test. Two lines appearing as a result of this test confirm pregnancy. Although the home test and pregnancy symptoms are specific to the first week, they do not give the clearest results. For the most reliable pregnancy test, a doctor should be consulted and a blood test should be done.


Is itchy vagina a sign of pregnancy?

Pregnancy symptoms may manifest themselves in the form of discharge. Especially in the first 3 weeks, white sticky liquid may come from the vagina. This is an indication that the body is preparing itself for pregnancy. However, if there is itching and burning in the vagina other than the discharge, a specialist should be consulted.


Is itching a sign of pregnancy?

Itching can be a symptom of a condition called intraheptic cholestasis of pregnancy. This is the most common pregnancy-related liver pathology, which manifests itself with itching in the second half of pregnancy.


Is smelly discharge a sign of pregnancy?

Smelly discharge is considered a sign of infection during pregnancy.


Is a watery discharge from the vagina a sign of pregnancy?

“What are the pregnancy symptoms? Is a watery discharge from the vagina a symptom?” The question is also among those that are frequently asked. Frequent, prominent discharge may indicate pregnancy. These discharges are white and milky in consistency. In addition, infrequent bleeding that does not resemble menstrual bleeding is also a symptom.


When does vaginal itching start during pregnancy?

One of the most common conditions during pregnancy is skin problems. One of the skin problems that manifests itself from the first months is itching.


What is good for nausea during pregnancy?

The best method for nausea experienced during this period is to rest and to eat 5 meals a day rich in protein. In addition, liquid should be preferred between meals, not while eating. Chickpeas and salt crackers can be consumed for morning sickness.


What should be done to avoid constipation during pregnancy?

During this period, it is important to consume plenty of water and choose fiber-rich foods.


What precautions can be taken against skin blemishes and cracks during pregnancy?

Sunscreen should be used and the body should be moisturized frequently.


Can hair be dyed during pregnancy?

Studies have shown that hair dye during pregnancy will not have negative effects on the baby. However, the chemicals in the dye are not recommended in the first 12 weeks for the fetus. Vegetable-based dyes should be preferred.

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