What Helps With Sore Throat?

What Helps With Sore Throat?


Sore throat occurs as part of the body's immune response to viral or bacterial infections. The natural immune response leads to inflammation and swelling of the mucous membrane of the throat. This inflammation creates common sore throat symptoms such as itching, pain, swelling, and discomfort. Acting quickly when you notice the first sign of tingling or pain can help keep your sore throat symptoms to a minimum. Most of the over-the-counter remedies you can use for sore throats are the ones in your kitchen. You can relieve pain with homemade solutions available in your kitchen. However, if it does not go away and gets worse, you should definitely seek medical help. So, what's good for sore throat? Here are home remedies for sore throat: 

What is Sore Throat? 

Sore throat refers to itching, pain, irritation and burning sensation that gets worse when swallowing. Most sore throats are experienced due to environmental factors and infection. Therefore, treatment should be applied according to the cause and type of sore throat. Sore throat is named according to the area where they occur: 

  • Pharyngitis just behind the mouth 
  • Tonsillitis if it has caused swelling and redness of the tonsils 
  • Laryngitis if it has caused swelling and redness in the larynx 


What Are the Causes of Sore Throat? 

“How is sore throat healed?” In order to find the answer to the question, the causes of these pains should be investigated and known. So, what causes a sore throat? Here is the answer to this question: 

  • Allergy 
  • Bacterial infections 
  • Environmental pollution 
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease 
  • Dry air 
  • Colds, flu, and other viral infections 
  • Trauma 


Causes of Persistent Sore Throat and Cough 

Persistent sore throat can occur at any age. Causes of persistent sore throat are influenza, hemophilus, colds and viral infections. It causes symptoms such as pain, inability to swallow, burning and swelling in the throat. In addition to these findings, symptoms such as nasal congestion, pain in the sinuses, deep voice, dryness in the throat and wheezing can be seen. "What's good for a sore throat that doesn't go away, I can't swallow?" The question can also be answered as follows: If the pain has exceeded 3 weeks and this is accompanied by pain in the throat, severe fatigue, difficulty in breathing, blood in the sputum, burning sensation, swelling of the tonsils and swelling of the lymph nodes, medical help should be sought. 

What Are the Risk Factors Causing Sore Throat? 

“How can I get rid of a sore throat?” If you are looking for an answer to the question, you should know what the risk factors are that cause this pain. The first of these factors is age. Sore throats are common in individuals between the ages of 3 and 15 due to infection. Exposure to cigarette smoke is also among the factors that cause these pains. Being in areas such as public transport, school and office, where bacterial and viral infections can easily spread, increases exposure to diseases that will cause these pains. In addition, having a weak immune system is among the important risk factors. 

What Should Be Done to Prevent Sore Throat? 

If you are looking for a solution to a sore throat in 2 minutes, you should know that you need to take some precautions. The most important of these measures is hand hygiene. In order to ensure hand hygiene outside, make sure to carry disinfectant with you. Staying away from people who have an infection is also among the measures that can be taken. It is also very important to take care to consume foods that will keep the immune system strong. 

When to See a Doctor for Sore Throat? 

The difficulty you have with swallowing continues and if the treatment you applied at home did not show any effect within 5-10 days, you should definitely seek medical help. In addition, medical help should be sought in symptoms such as redness, difficulty in breathing, inability to swallow, difficulty in opening the mouth, pain in the joints, blood in the saliva, severe pain in the ear, swelling in the neck and face, hoarseness for a long time, and fever above 38°C. 

How Is Sore Throat Diagnosed? 

The diagnosis is made by an otolaryngologist, symptoms and complaints are evaluated in all details and the throat is examined. A test with a secretion sample is then applied to detect the streptococcal bacteria that cause pain. According to the test results, the treatment process is started by providing medications for sore throat. 

How is Sore Throat Treated? 

A treatment process consisting of drugs and antibiotics that are good for sore throat is planned. However, if it is a viral infection, antibiotics cannot have an effect on viruses, and in this case, no medical treatment is required. In addition, for long-lasting and severe sore throat, it is desirable to treat the underlying cause with medication and alleviate the symptoms. 

What are the recommendations that can be applied at home to get rid of a sore throat? 

Now “What is good for sore throat at home?” Let's answer the question. Remedies for sore throat includes applications that can be done at home apart from medications. In these cases, if you are looking for practical methods that instantly relieve sore throat, you can apply the following: 

  • Gargle with salt water 
  • Honey consumption 
  • Humidifying the environment (Effective in dry sinuses.) 
  • Steam bath with invigorating essential oils 


What Is Good For Covid-19 Sore Throat? 

One of the symptoms experienced in milder cases in general during the Covid 19 pandemic period is sore throat. There are also additional symptoms to consider for sore throat with Covid. If this pain is accompanied by headache, severe cough, impaired smell and shortness of breath, these may be symptoms of coronavirus. Therefore, it is necessary to seek medical help. 

Sore Throat and Cough During Pregnancy 

“What is good for sore throat during pregnancy?” The question is also among those that are wondered. During this period, there are some changes in the immune system, and in this process, expectant mothers can get sick frequently. Sore throat and cough are among the common complaints. Since it is necessary to be very careful in the use of herbal teas during pregnancy, a doctor should be consulted for the treatment of the condition. 

Sore Throat and Cough in Children 

“What is good for a child's sore throat?” The question can also be answered as follows: 

Sore throats experienced by children are usually caused by viruses, but can also be bacterial from time to time. If the condition is caused by a virus, medication may not be required. In case of such pain, herbal treatment can be applied at home. However, if the pain is caused by bacterial infections, treatment with appropriate antibiotics should be initiated. If the pain is accompanied by a fever that does not decrease within 3 days, you should seek expert help. 

Here's what to do at home: 

  • Humidify your child's room. Moisture in the air can help relieve a sore throat. 
  • Make sure the child drinks plenty of water. Also avoid juices that contain a lot of citrus fruit, as they are acidic and can cause irritation. 
  • Honey and honey mixtures should be avoided for children under 1 year old. 


What Causes Unilateral Sore Throat? 

“What causes one-sided sore throat?” In some cases, only one of the lymph nodes on either side of the neck swells, resulting in a one-sided sore throat. This condition can be caused by the common cold, ear infection, HIV, flu, and mononucleosis. 

Is There a Herbal Treatment for Sore Throat? 

“What is good for sore throat, is herbal tea effective?” The question is also among those that are wondered. It is very important to consume plenty of fluids in treating sore throat at home. Therefore, other than water, herbal teas should also be supplemented. Herbal teas that can be consumed during this period are sage, thyme tea, green tea, warm water with lemon and honey, ginger tea, garlic tea, licorice root, marshmallow root and echinacea tea. 

Some studies show that especially echinacea flower extracts, cloves and ginger can reduce inflammation caused by sore throat. However, plants can create different effects on each individual. For this reason, an expert's opinion should be taken before consuming such plants. 

Here are some things you can do at home: 

  • Honey is effective in relieving cough and sore throat. Therefore, it can be consumed by mixing it with tea or warm water. 
  • Salt water can also be effective in reducing mouth secretions during this period. By adding 1 teaspoon of salt to 1 glass of warm water and gargling with this water can be helpful. It can be done every 3 hours to kill the germs in the throat and reduce the pain. 
  • Chamomile tea should be consumed during this period with its anti-inflammatory properties. It is also effective in moistening the throat. 
  • Peppermint tea, which offers antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, can also be consumed during this period to relieve symptoms. 
  • In case of sore throat and cough, sage can be consumed both as a mouthwash and as a tea, and symptoms can be improved. 
  • Another way to gargle is to add 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda to 1 cup of warm water and mixing it well. Gargling with this mixture helps relieve pain. 
  • Garlic, which is a natural antibiotic for sore throat, helps you fight infection during this period. Therefore, it should be added to meals. Apart from this, sucking the garlic is also effective in easing the pain. However, it should not be applied in case of complaints such as reflux. 


Things to Avoid 

If you have a sore throat, exposure to certain foods or environmental factors can worsen your symptoms. While you're recovering, try to avoid the following: 

  • Dry air 
  • Cigarette or secondhand smoke 
  • Air pollution 
  • Potential allergens such as pollen, mold, or pet dander 
  • Chemical fumes, such as those from household cleaners 
  • Alcohol 
  • Acidic foods or drinks, such as citrus fruits, tomatoes, or sodas 
  • Dry or hard foods such as bagels, chips, or popcorn 
  • Spicy food 


How Long Does a Sore Throat Last? 

Exactly how long a sore throat lasts may depend on what's causing it. Most sore throats go away on their own within 1 week. It is important to see a doctor if your sore throat does not improve after 1 week. 

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