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Insulin is necessary for pancreatic cells to use the sugar taken into the body as energy. However, if insulin is not produced by the body or is produced incompletely, it is called type 1 diabetes. So, “what is type 2 diabetes?” If the pancreas produces insulin but cannot use it for some reason, it is called type 2 diabetes. The patient group that can be treated with surgical methods is the type 2 group. On the other hand, surgery is not recommended for those in the type 1 group. Because in order for these surgeries to take place, the patient must have insulin production. Resistance to insulin can be broken with these surgeries and more economical use of insulin can be achieved. The purpose of surgical intervention in this disease is to help the insulin produced by the body to be used. In other words, in order for this surgery to be performed, the patient must not have type 1 diabetes and even if he has type 2 diabetes, there must still be a part of his pancreas that produces insulin.

Type 2 diabetes treatment is given to patients who have started manifesting symptoms of organ damage due to diabetes or who cannot control their blood sugar. Metabolic surgery is not recommended for patients who have changed their lifestyle, have appropriate diet and exercise routine, who keep obesity under control, and control diabetes with medications. Refined industrial foods are one of the environmental factors that cause disease. Determining whether the person is suitable for surgery is also provided by tests performed in the laboratories.

If you have type 2 diabetes and cannot control your weight and blood sugar despite optimal treatment, you can have an operation if there is an insulin reserve in your body during the tests.

  • If you have type 1 diabetes, or even if you have type 2 diabetes, surgery is not recommended if your body does not produce enough insulin.
  • It is also not suitable for patients who are not able to handle general anesthesia.
  • Surgery is not recommended for patients who are psychologically unfit.
  • It is not suitable for surgery in patients who are addicted to alcohol or drugs.

Of course, Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are completely different diseases. In type 1 diabetes, there is no insulin production. On the other hand, the body produces some insulin but cannot use this insulin in type 2 diabetes. Only type 2 diabetes patients are treated, allowing the body to use the insulin already produced.

Both types of diabetes damage blood vessel walls, causing organ damage. In overweight patients, especially medium and large blood vessels are affected, which leads to problems such as heart attacks and strokes. Patients with low weight may experience eye, kidney and foot problems due to its effect on small and medium vessels. Other components of metabolic syndrome include high blood pressure, obesity, high cholesterol and other blood lipids. But there are always exceptions.

During your hospital stay, 1-2 days before the operation, your blood sugar and hypertension will be controlled. You should start a liquid diet (water, fruit juices, soup, tea, buttermilk, steamed fruit, etc.) the day before the surgery and stop eating and drinking after 10 pm. (This ensures your bowel stays clean so you don't need an enema, the surgery is clean, and your type 2 diabetes risk factors are reduced.)

An oxygen measuring pen is attached to your finger to check the oxygen saturation in your blood during surgery. A blood pressure monitor automatically measures your blood pressure. Venous access is provided to allow the flow of anesthesia and other drugs. Catheters provide adequate and safe fluid flow while under anesthesia. In order to measure blood pressure and oxygen amount in overweight patients or patients with additional problems, a vein access is opened in the hand or wrist and removed one day after the surgery. You then wear special socks that will ensure adequate blood flow in your legs until you can start walking. In addition, your legs are massaged with pressure devices to prevent blood accumulation in your legs during surgery.

You will need to stay in the intensive care unit for close follow-up on the first day after the surgery. The effect of anesthesia continues while being transferred to the intensive care unit. Your blood pressure is measured every 15 or 30 minutes. A measuring clip is attached to your finger to check the amount of oxygen after surgery. You can only drink water on the first day after the operation. Other fluids and proteins are given to you intravenously until your oral nutrition reaches sufficient levels. You may need help sitting and standing as you may feel dizzy when standing up 1 day after the surgery.

Type 2 diabetes nutrition list is also wondered a lot about. Things to consider about post-operative nutrition are as follows:

  • Depending on the operation, you should continue on a liquid or semi-solid diet and take your meals every 2-3 hours.
  • You should drink at least 1.5 litres of water a day. Your daily urine amount should be over 1.5 litres.
  • You should have stomach protection for 1 month and gallbladder protection for 2 months.
  • You should take vitamin and calcium supplements until your oral intake is sufficient.
  • Your need for medication for stressful situations also decreases. However, it is recommended to measure and record your blood pressure every day for 15 days.

You should have blood and urine analysis at 1, 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months after treatment for type 2 diabetes. You may need to have an endoscopy to check your stomach condition.

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